Tube Hardware

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Part #TC-141

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Part #TC-143

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Spring loaded retainer for 6V6 or smaller 5881 power tubes.   Marshall used 6V6 tubes in only one amplifier - the 4001 Studio from 1985 through 1992.

Part #TR-149

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TUBE RETAINER WITH GRIP TEETH, DESIGNED FOR OCTAL TUBES WITH PHENOLIC BASE SUCH AS 6L6 OR EL34.   Used in Fender™ and many other amps.     1 1/2" mounting centers.  Made by Belton.  Fender part number 099072500.
Part #TC-142


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Revisit™ PRE-AMP TUBE DAMPER RINGS.   Use two (or three) of these rings around a pre-amp tube to reduce noise and microphonics.  An economical alternative to more expensive tube dampers.   Will withstand high temperatures of pre-amp tubes, reusable when you change tubes.   Set of 6 rings - will equip either 2 or 3 tubes, depending on the number of rings you choose for each tube. Note: Tube shields will not fit over the damper rings, and must be removed from the tubes.   These dampers are NOT for 9-pin power tubes, such as the EL84 or 6BQ5. 
Part #PTD-6
(Set of 6 rings)

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Belton 8 pin socket, Micalex, for PC board mounting  Belton 8 Pin Octal Auto Wave Solder Micalex Socket. Very high quality. This is a specially designed socket that mounts under the PCB.  Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes.      Click here for additional specs.
Part #TS-8-BEL


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PHENOLIC TUBE SOCKET FOR OCTAL TUBES.  EXACT REPLACEMENT FOR VINTAGE FENDER, VINTAGE Marshall™ (including the JCM900 Series), and many others.    Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes.   For 1" to 1 1/8" hole.  Top mounting (mounted from the outside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/2" apart.  Unlike some phenolic tube sockets on the market, this one fits the 1" hole found in most vintage Fenders.  
Part #TS-8-600

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PHENOLIC TUBE SOCKET FOR OCTAL TUBES.      Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes.   For 1-1/8" hole.  Bottom mounting (mounted from the inside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/2" apart.   (Note:  Does not fit vintage Fenders)
Part #TS-8-250

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PHENOLIC TUBE SOCKET FOR OCTAL TUBES.      Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes.   For 1-1/8" hole.  Top mounting (mounted from the outside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/2" apart.   (Note:  Does not fit vintage Fenders)
Part #TS-8-300

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CERAMIC 8-PIN PC MOUNT OUTPUT TUBE OR RECTIFIER TUBE SOCKET, crimped bracket, bottom mount 1 1/4", top mount 1" to 1 1/8", 1 1/2" mounting centers, 1" to 1 1/4" chassis hole.  Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes. Used in Peavey and other brands where the tube socket is mounted to a PC board.   Click here for additional specs.   Fender part number 0057238000.
Part #TS-8-807


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CERAMIC 8-PIN WIRED OUTPUT TUBE OR RECTIFIER TUBE SOCKET, crimped bracket, bottom mount 1 1/4", top mount 1" to 1 1/8", 1 1/2" mounting centers, 1" to 1 1/4" chassis hole.  Fits 6L6, EL34, 6V6 output tubes, and 5U4, 5Y3, and GZ34 rectifier tubes.  Click here for additional specs.   Fender part number 0990724000, or 023580.
Part #TS-8-807W



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Socket - Belton, Micalex, 8 Pin, Octal PC Mount, Long Lead Micalex, PC mount, long leads (Belton) - MB/MT. 1 ½" mounting centers 1 1/4" chassis hole. Applicable for use with all types of electric and electronic equipment using vacuum tubes.  Paddle saddle mounting, easy mount with the saddle of extruded screw hole.   Phosphorous bronze pin terminal with tin plating, glass fiber field PPS Insulating material
Part # TS-8-209


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FENDER STYLE MICALEX TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  INCLUDES INTEGRAL BASE FOR TWIST-LOCK TUBE SHIELD.        Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, etc.   Sturdy Micalex construction, for 3/4"  hole.  Solder tabs for wire connections.   Top mounting (mounted from the outside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/8" apart.   Designed to work with the TS-325S tube shield, or vintage Fender tube shields.   Used in Fender vintage Blonde, Brownface, Blackface, Silverface and some early Rivera designs.   Also applicable to early Marshall designs.  Fender part number 0023606049.
Part #TS-9-700

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6-PACK OF FENDER STYLE MICALEX TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  INCLUDES INTEGRAL BASE FOR TWIST-LOCK TUBE SHIELD.      Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, etc.   Sturdy Micalex construction, for 3/4"  hole.  Solder tabs for wire connections.   Top mounting (mounted from the outside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/8" apart.   Designed to work with the TS-325S tube shield, or vintage Fender tube shields.   Used in Fender vintage Blonde, Brownface, Blackface, Silverface and some early Rivera designs.   Also applicable to early Marshall designs.   Pack of 6 tube sockets.  Mounting screws not included - recommend the SC-410-6 screws (2 packs of 6 screws needed for 6 tube sockets).  It is also possible to use 1/8 inch pop rivets to mount these sockets.  Replaces Fender part number 0023606049.
Part #TS-9-700-6
(for 6 sockets)

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TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  EXACT REPLACEMENT FOR MANY MAKES AND MODELS OF AMPS WITH HAND-WIRED TUBE SOCKETS.      Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6BQ5, EL84 tubes.   For 3/4"  hole.  Bottom mounting (mounted from the inside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/8" apart.   Designed to work with the TR-144 or TR-146 tube retainers, or the TS-325S tube shield.
Part #TS-9-601

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TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  EXACT REPLACEMENT FOR MANY MAKES AND MODELS OF AMPS WITH HAND-WIRED TUBE SOCKETS.      Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6BQ5, EL84 tubes.   For 3/4"  hole.  Top mounting (mounted from the outside of the chassis), mounting holes spaced 1 1/8" apart.   Designed to work with the TR-144 or TR-146 tube retainers, or the TS-325S tube shield.
Part #TS-9-610

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TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  PC MOUNT, CERAMIC.    9 pin ceramic PC mount socket, stand-off mounting, 3/4" diameter, 3/4" tail diameter.  For bottom mounting (mounted from the inside of the chassis, below the chassis hole).   Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6BQ5, EL84 tubes.    Makes an excellent replacement for the single tube socket in the Marshall ValveState models.
Part #TS-9-217

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Marshall™ SMALL BRASS PAN-HEAD SCREWS WITH LOCK WASHERS AND NUTS (SET OF 6).   Set of 6 screws, brass, 3/8" (9.5mm) long, slotted pan head - head is 5.4mm in diameter, 4-40 thread, with lock washer and nut.   Used to mount preamp tube sockets and impedance selectors in classic Marshall amps.
Part #
(for a pack of 6 screws, 6 lock washers and 6 nuts)

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Marshall™ SMALL BRASS ROUND-HEAD SCREWS WITH LOCK WASHERS AND NUTS (SET OF 6).   Set of 6 screws, brass, 1/2" (12.7mm) long, slotted round head - head is 5.4mm in diameter, 4-40 thread, with lock washer and nut.   Used to mount impedance selectors and IEC power cord connectors in classic Marshall amps.
Part #
(for a pack of 6 screws, 6 lock washers and 6 nuts)

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Marshall™ MEDIUM BRASS ROUND-HEAD SCREWS WITH LOCK WASHERS AND NUTS (SET OF 8).   Set of 8 screws, brass, 3/8" (12.7mm) long, slotted round head - head is 6.1mm in diameter, 6-32 thread, with lock washer and nut.   Used to mount power tube sockets, capacitor cans and ground lugs in classic Marshall amps.
Part #
(for a pack of 8 screws, 8 lock washers and 8 nuts)

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9 pin Belton Micalex socket for PC board mounting.   Mounts under the PC board.  Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6BQ5, EL84 tubes.   Used in Marshall™ , Peavey™ and other brands.  Click here for additional specs.
Part #TS-9-BEL

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TUBE SOCKET FOR MINIATURE 9-PIN TUBES.  PC MOUNT, CERAMIC.    9 pin ceramic PC mount socket, stand-off mounting, 0.82" diameter, 3/8" tall above PC board.   Fits 12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, 6BQ5, EL84 tubes.  
Part #TS-9-223

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If you have a cherished octal power tube or rectifier with a broken keyway, here is a great solution. By cleaning the remainder of the broken keyway from the tube base and properly installing this keyway replacement (a little dab of silicone sealant works great to hold it in place), your tube can safely be reinstalled into your equipment.   These great tube-savers are sold in sets of 2.   Note:  When using an adhesive to secure the keyway to the tube base, DO NOT use a water-based glue.   Silicone sealant (RTV) which is acryllic-based or butyl-based is fine.   Latex sealant or hot-glue is NOT.
Part #OTK8-2
(for a set of 2 tube keyways)

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Octal tube bases are used to construct tube socket savers, solid-state rectifiers, bias probes, etc.   8-pin plug with room inside the base for circuitry and wiring.  Sold individually.
Part #OTB-100

$3.99 ea

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TUBE SOCKET, OCTAL 8-PIN, commonly used with the Octal Tube Base to build bias probes, tube socket savers, tube extenders, etc.   This socket has no mounting bracket.
Part #TS-8-810

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TUBE SHIELD, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 1 15/16" TALL WITH 9-PIN TUBE SOCKET AND INTEGRAL TUBE SHIELD BASE .  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes.   9-Pin tube socket is made of sturdy Micalex.   Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.   Requires 3/4" hole in chassis.  Solder lugs for wire connection to tube socket. Shield, base and socket
Part #TS-370

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TUBE SHIELD, REVISIT, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL, SET OF 50.  Great for amp repair technicians!  Includes new bases, if needed.  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes. Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.  Shield and base only - socket not included.  Made by Revisit™.   Set of 50 in handy divided box for space-saving storage!   Many Fender™ amps use 6 of these shields, so fifty is not too many to have on hand especially at this price of $1.10 per shield! Also found in some models of Ampeg™, Crate™, Vintage Marshall™, Mesa Boogie™, Orange™ and Peavey™ amps.    Top quality, RoHS compliant.
Part #RS-325S-50

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TUBE SHIELD, REVISIT, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL.  Includes new base, if needed.  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes. Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.  Shield and base only - socket not included.  Made by Revisit™.   Also found in some models of Ampeg™, Crate™, Vintage Marshall™, Mesa Boogie™, Orange™ and Peavey™ amps.  Top quality, RoHS compliant.
Part #RS-325S


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TUBE SHIELD, BELTON, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL.  Includes new base, if needed.  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes. Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.  Shield and base only - socket not included.  Made by Belton™ in Korea..
Part #TS-325S

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TUBE SHIELD, REVISIT, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL, SET OF 6.  Includes new bases, if needed.  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes. Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.   This is a great kit to replaced all 6 of the tube shields in many Fender™ amps with 6 preamp tubes.  Shield and base only - socket not included.  Made by Revisit™.    Also found in some models of Ampeg, Crate, Vintage Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Orange and Peavey amps.   Top quality, RoHS compliant.
Part #RS-325S-6


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TUBE SHIELD, BELTON, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL, SET OF 6.  Includes new bases, if needed.  Spring in top of shield fits over the tube.  Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes. Replacement for Fender™ and many other brands.  Holes in base spaced 1 1/8" apart.   This is a great kit to replaced all 6 of the tube shields in many Fender™ amps with 6 preamp tubes.  Shield and base only - socket not included.  Made by Belton. 
Part #TS-325S-6

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TUBE SHIELD, BAYONET "PUSH AND TWIST" TYPE FOR MATING WITH PREFORMED CHASSIS HOLE, ALUMINUM, 2" TALL, SPRING IN TOP OF SHIELD WHICH FITS OVER the TUBE.   Fits 12AX7A and similarly sized preamp tubes.  Comes with rubber gasket for sealing and noise damping with chassis.  Replacement for Marshall™ and some other brands. 
Part #TS-601

Strat™, Stratocaster™, Esquire™, Telecaster™, Tele™, Jazzmaster™, Jaguar™, Mustang™, P.Bass™, J.Bass™ and Fender™ are registered trademarks of Fender™ Musical Instruments. The replacement necks and bodies are for a Fender™ or Squier™ by Fender™ guitar or bass. The distinctive headstock designs and the distinctive body designs of the Stratocaster™, Telecaster™, J.Bass™, P.Bass™ and Tele™ Bass are registered trademarks of Fender™ Musical Instruments Co.  
Peavey™ is a registered trademark of Peavey™ Electronics Corporation.
Marshall™ is a registered trademark of Marshall™ Amplification Plc.
Mesa Boogie™ is a registered trademark of MESA/Boogie™ Ltd. and Studio Sound Electronics are not affiliated with these companies.
All company names, logos and product names mentioned on these pages are trademarks of their respective owners.

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